Budget Friendly Beauty Products

With the start of a new, fresh week, I’m bringing you a few of my favorite budget friendly beauty products!! I think you should be able to look and feel good without breaking the bank to do so! SO… here are a few of my favorite things! Banana Boat Summer Color Self Tanning Lotion (Disclosure: I get commissions for qualifying purchases made through links in this post.) This tanning lotion is a great choice for a self tanner that doesn’t cost too much.I always use this in the spring and summer. In addition to moisturizing before applying the tanning lotion, I also like to mix the tanning lotion with my regular body lotion so it applies more evenly and streaks are more avoidable. Biore Blue Agave + Baking Soda Cleanser This is one of my favorite cleansers that I’ve tried! It smells great and I feel like it gives my skin the deep cleaning that it needs without being harsh. OGX Coconut Miracle Oil Penetrating Oil This oil is one of my absolute favorite products! I use it everyday to keep my hair healthy and super shiny! It also smells great! Those are all of my budget friendly beauty product recommendations for now! I hope this post helped you out! 🙂